Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter 2015

This year, we celebrated Easter both Saturday[with the Swens] & Sunday[with the Bazemores]. Both families put on an Easter egg hunt. It was fun for the older kids; Case was content after he found the first egg. Next year will be much more exciting. 
Casey still has a strong aversion to grass. He does not enjoy the texture at all. This definitely inhibits ones desire to crawl around and grab eggs. We will keep working on it!
Easter Sunday!

After Saturday's egg hunt, we wised up! The kid hates grass, so skip the crawling! We brought out his walker in the front yard and tested it out! He loved it. Our current font yard has a slight slope to it, allowing Casey to speed walk to the sidewalk. Watch out eggs! Case is on the loose!

Bazemore Egg Hunt. Lyra obviously gathered more eggs. What a sweet cousin she is; sharing her treats with Casey. 
 We expected Casey to use his walker and cruise around the backyard. But as soon as we put him out there, he just kinda stood there. Typical Casey. Never shows off his skills when people are around. He is NOT a performer.
 We sat them down with some of their treats[puffs, yogurt melts, etc] and staged one of my favorites: cousin photo shoot! Lyra was trying to tell Casey something with her complex babbling. Listening to her say, "I love you Cece" is almost too much to handle. Dying from cuteness.


  1. Oh my gosh, the Lyra and Casey pics are just too much.

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  2. Man, those two just melt me. And Lyra is the same way, never does her cool tricks in front of others! Case is getting so big!

    1. Both of them are getting too big! Let's make them stop.
