Saturday, March 21, 2015

The new neighborhood.

The first day of Spring was just yesterday, and it has been feeling quite Spring-y, so what better to do that go and enjoy the park? 

Sisterfriend, as I normally call her when I am writing (Sho-bey in person), thought that a lovely spring day was a perfect reason to get the cousins together. And an even better idea was to get them together in my soon-to-be new neighborhood to check out the local park scene.
We met at Beale Park which is located just 5 blocks north of the new house.
I love a park with lots of trees! And this park has multiple picnicing areas, playgrounds, a spray park, and an area for horseshoes!
Sun casting light on glowing tree leaves is such a simple and detailed beauty. 
My sis and I are quite different. However, in these photos, our forearms appear to be mirror images of each other. Lucky us.
And how could I get through an entry with some pictures of my love! There he is - my CaseyBoy! He seems to be liking the swing even more than he did last time we tried it out around 8 months! It even got some elusive giggles out of him. Also, his mouth is now perpetually stained with blueberries. I don't think he can eat enough of them. There comes a point when I just have to cut him off. I mean, enough is enough! Thankfully, he is stuck on a super fruit full of antioxidants....

1 comment:

  1. Love that park! And our forearms do look similar. Weird. Slide pictures always make it seem like you have a death grip on your child.
