I told myself I was going to write Casey notes each month. And 3 months have gone by and nothing.
So here it goes.
Casey, you are BUSY.
I mean, very busy.
I am one exhausted mama. You don't stop moving from the time you wake up to the time we force you to sleep. Really, sometime I have to pin you in bed with my arm to keep you from getting up. It is a hard thing because you rarely get fussy. So it is easier to just let you play until you are tired enough to give into sleep. But still, you stay up later than most babies and it doesn't seem to bother you.
You climb. Everything. And you have learned to scoot the chair around and use it as a step stool. Smart baby.
Last month, I caught you perched half on the back of an armchair, half on the window sill with one leg hanging down. I see stitches in your future. And also, I have caught you standing on the dining room table with your hands on our light fixture. I don't doubt you want to hang from it. And you have these schemes. I can see you have ideas in your head and you are trying to execute them. It is great to watch.
However, I can hardly leave the room with all of these new abilities. And no matter how many times you get the stern "NO!", you look up from your perch with the most proud look on your face.
For the most part, you are still really easy going. When we took you to Canada and flew on your first flight... It was pretty great. You are not a high maintenance guy. We did not keep a schedule. You napped when you could, played outside, were a champ on the plane with only minor whining that we wouldn't let you roam. I feel like we saw your easy-going nature from birth.
At sixteen months, you are getting more words. The whole language acquisition thing is awesome. SO fun to watch. The weird part about you talking or not talking is that I truly believe I know most of your thoughts. You don't have to try to communicate that much to me and I just get you. And I feel like because I get you, I know your intentions as well. And you are such a nice kid. Keep that up. Like the time you poured coffee all over the floor during our small group and then ran to the kitchen to get a towel and got down on the floor to help clean it up.
Here are the words you can say: Moon, yeah, yes, no, cat, dada, mama, nose, eye, lyly, and there are probably others that I am not remembering right now. And that is just receptive language... I can't even come with all the words that you do know. It is so cool to ask you a question and you can point and answer me. Or do a one step task. Like get your water cup. Baby, you are so smart!
You and Lyra are good friends. You really seem to like playing with each other. Brings major joy to my heart. She teaches you things and speaks for you. And you want to play in different ways that she goes along with. It is hilarious to watch you try and wrestle with her. You are such a boy with your flopping and rolling around. She doesn't quite know what to do with the wrestling side of your relationship but she seems to think it is fun.
You threw your first tantrum. Like threw yourself to the ground, flailing. The biggest screams and crocodile tears. And want to know why? It was time to go and I said we had to put the toothbrush away. Also, the hitting? Why? Will be very excited when that phase is over. It is more of bopping I guess. Especially to Lyra and Rosie. A 'No!' and a bop on the head is the normal pattern. I have gotten it too and it makes me so mad. Let's move past that one, ok?
The days till 5 o'clock seem to last a long time and there are times I feel lonely and exhausted. But you are so worth it. All the hard work. Your person-ness is coming out and it is such a reward.
Gosh, we are just amazed by you. Love you more than I thought possible.
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