Monday, July 20, 2015

13 Months

13 Months has been a wild ride. 
You started walking at about 13 and a half months. 
You started saying some more words. Ball. Up. Yes. And you are also getting more frustrated. You know what you want but you can't tell us. So you throw these whiny fits that just won't do. We are trying to communicate with you, we promise!
You eat everything. Constantly. Whenever you see anyone with food, you walk up to them and try to steal from them. You are quite the scavenger. You don't have any molars yet, but you think you can eat everything.(You still only have 6 teeth, one more looks like it is growing in on the bottom)
You sleep like a little baby again. You want to take a morning nap. And an afternoon nap. We just don't know what is going on. We are just along for the ride. 
You hold everything up to your ear like a phone. It is hilarious.

You have so much personality we almost can't stand it. 
You LOVE the pool. You kick your legs and screech when we go swimming. 
I think you are starting to have a strong fondness for Lyra. It took you awhile, but now that you are mobile, you guys play together. It really is the cutest things.
Taking you to work has become a bit more stressful for me and we are trying to figure out what is best for all of us. I am just so thankful for all of these months we have had together. You are my little buddy and I can't even really express how much I love you. 
And it just keeps getting better.

1 comment:

  1. You are so big Casey boy!! I love that little O face. The little food thief! Eric and I now fantasize about eating in front of the tv without anyone stealing our food. One can dream.
